"Now, no one would know I had an earring once if I hadn’t been carried back to that first visit to Kansas City on this raft of words."
from “Unfinished Painting”, Notable Essay, Best American Essays 2022
“Under Construction,” in Plume (with Richard Hoffman and Yuexi Wu)
“Unfinished Painting” in Fourth Genre
“Disorder in Suspension: Stanley Kunitz’s Visitations,” in The AWP Chronicle
“Goodbye, Rosalita” in Blackbird
“Brush With Greatness” in Biostories
“Columbia Elegy” in Woven Tale Press
“View From Sunset Rock” in Solstice
“It Grows Back: Three Students” in Solstice
“Recordings” in Biostories (Biostories “Elders” contest honorable mention)
“High Street Park: The Kindness of Boys” in Pangyrus
“Why Are We Even Here For?” in InsideHigherEd